Gynecomastia (often abbreviated to just ‘gyno’) is the development of excess breast gland tissue in men.
Although there are a variety of contributing factors, it often is a result of hormonal imbalance. This imbalance is generally between estrogen and testosterone. Most likely an excess of estrogen, a lack of testosterone, or a combination of both.

Even though it is not a dangerous condition, it may be painful and very often causes significant embarrassment and psychological distress. Therefore, almost all men suffering from it prioritize seeking treatment.
Although true gynecomastia is due to excess breast gland tissue, there is often also extra fatty tissue associated with gynecomastia.
When there is only extra fatty tissue but no extra gland tissue, this is referred to as pseudogynecomastia.
This second condition is ‘pseudo’ because it’s not actually breast gland gynecomastia. Instead it’s simply the build-up of excess chest fat.
Pseudogynecomastia may superficially resemble gynecomastia and still cause “man boobs”, but due to the fact that it’s merely fat, it can sometimes be improved with lifestyle changes.
However, it often can still persist, and surgical treatment with primarily liposuction is often indicated.
It should be noted that for many cases of gynecomastia, there is both extra gland tissue and extra fatty tissue. A surgical procedure will resolve both of these issues if that is the case.
The surgery involves both excising the extra breast gland tissue, as well as liposuction of the extra fatty tissue.
In order to better understand what is causing your gynecomastia, be sure to meet with a surgeon who can provide their expertise and potential solutions.