Gynecomastia exercises can be of help in hiding a developing case of the condition. Although exercise alone cannot eliminate gynecomastia, it can minimize the appearance of breast tissue through weight loss and the build-up of muscle (particularly in the pectorals).
In this article, we plan to explore gynecomastia workouts that can help alleviate the symptoms of the condition and give you more confidence in your appearance.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is an embarrassing but harmless condition in which boys or men develop excess breast tissue behind and around the nipples. In serious cases, they can develop breasts that resemble those of a fully developed woman.
Gynecomastia is a benign condition, meaning that it poses no health threat. However, it is esthetically embarrassing for sufferers, and as such it’s something that most men are eager to rid themselves of.
Although there are a variety of contributing factors (such as use of steroids), it often due to a hormonal imbalance that results in the excess breast gland tissue. This imbalance is generally between estrogen and testosterone. Most likely an excess of estrogen, a lack of testosterone, or a combination of both.
It is also possible to develop man boobs as a result of excess breast fat tissue. In these cases, the condition is referred as pseudogynecomastia.
While it is possible to just suffer from excess fat tissue in the chest, it is also quite common for gyno patients to have both excess breast gland tissue and excess breast fat tissue.

Will Exercise Make Gynecomastia Go Away?
Exercise cannot fully eliminate gynecomastia, because the condition is not simply chest fat (although some cases of man boobs may be just that). If your man boobs are simply caused by just chest fat, exercise will give you a better chance to solve your issues (a pinch test may better help understand the cause).
Gynecomastia, however, is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance or an underlying condition. As long as those remain unaddressed (or unless the patient undergoes surgery), the condition will persist in one form or another.
That said, gyno can be mitigated somewhat by exercise. The lower your body fat, the less pronounced breasts are. It follows, then, that exercise and muscle growth can possibly reduce the appearance of gyno and help develop an ideal male chest.
Gynecomastia Exercise Routine
It’s a common misconception that you should focus on chest exercises in order to reduce the appearance of gynecomastia.
While chest exercises are important, they are no more important than any other kind of exercise. Indeed, even non-muscle-building exercise (such as cardio) is important.
Push Ups for Gynecomastia
Push-ups are a great gynecomastia workout that not only tighten up the chest muscles, but also work your deltoids and triceps. Push-ups are also easy to do anywhere, needing no equipment beyond the floor and your body.
There are many different kinds of push-ups, from incline/decline push-ups to diamond and staggered push-ups. All have their place in a varied workout routine, and each is good for working different muscle groups.
Decline push-ups are perhaps the most effective when it comes to toning the chest. In order to do these, simply put your feet on a chair or bench so that they are elevated, and do push-ups as normal. The extra height makes these push-ups more difficult, but they are much more efficient.
Start with 3 sets of 8 push-ups, and up the number of sets as you become more comfortable with the exercise.

Standing Cable Fly
Cable flys are a great way to tone the chest, but they also work your arms and help to burn fat.
This exercise is generally only doable in a gym (or at home, if you have an equipped multi-gym). It’s important to make sure you have an appropriate amount of weight on – it should not be extremely difficult to pull your arms together, nor should it be extremely easy.
If you’re feeling tired towards the end of your set and your chest/arm muscles are burning, then you have an appropriate amount of weight.
It’s also crucial when doing this exercise that your back is straight (you should feel no strain at all on your back) and that one leg is in front of the other.
Start with 3 sets of 10 reps, and slowly build up the number of reps you do.
Bench Press
Bench presses are an intensive form of resistance training that provide the single biggest boost to building chest muscle. There are three basic types of bench press: decline, flat and incline. In concert, these bench presses work to build up muscle quickly and effectively.
They are of particular use in developing defined pectorals and also contribute to fat burn.
Try to mix up the type of bench press that you do each time, and make sure you have a spotter when doing this. This last point is particularly important, as if your arms give out during a bench press you can seriously injure yourself.
Start with three sets of 10 reps, gradually upping the number of sets/reps once you’re comfortable with the exercise. It’s also important that you do not start off with too much weight, since this can be a dangerous exercise if you bite off more than you can chew.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
It’s not all about weightlifting – cardio is an important component in both boosting your metabolism and fat-burning. It should therefore be incorporated any gynecomastia workout regimen.
HIIT is more efficient than normal jogging when it comes to general weight loss and toning, as it stokes your metabolism to much higher levels.
It’s a good idea to start with 10-15 minutes of light jogging, then perform high-intensity burst sprints (go as fast as you can) for 10-15 seconds. Rest 90 seconds, and repeat for about 20 minutes. Cool down with another 10-15 minutes of light jogging.

Hybrid Planks/Push-Ups
This exercise is what it sounds like – a combination of planks and push-ups. Planks help to strengthen your core muscles, which power all other workouts.
Planks are a common cooling-down exercise at the end of home workouts. They are simple, but deceptively tiring – simply rest on your elbows and tiptoes and hold the position for 30-60 seconds. If your abs are shivering, you know it’s working.
A plank into push-up is the best of both worlds, and works not only your core but also your chest muscles, triceps and deltoids. To do one, simply go from the plank position into a push-up position, raise yourself up, and lower back down into a plank.
This exercise is much more tiring than it seems, and so you should start easy – 3 sets of 8 is enough to begin with.

Dumbbell Pullover
Another great gynecomastia workout that works the chest muscles, the dumbbell pullover is a classic for a reason. It doesn’t just work the chest but is great for the triceps.
Doing a dumbbell pullover is simple: simply lie flat on your back on a bench, hold a dumbbell over your chest, and bring it up over and behind your head.
As with all weight training, don’t overdo it by training with dumbbells that are too heavy. You should have a good burn on by the end, but if you’re struggling halfway through a set then switch to a lighter dumbbell.
Start out easy with 3 sets of 10, then gradually build up the number of reps.

Reverse Cable Pulls
Not every exercise will work the chest, and this is not only OK, but it is necessary. Muscle doesn’t build back properly if it’s not given time to rest, and so it’s important to make sure you’re working all muscle groups.
Reverse cable pulls may be a non-chest exercise – and so not directly a gynecomastia exercise – but they strength your core muscles and your back.
Reverse cable pulls resemble standing cable flys, and use the same equipment. The difference is that you’ll begin by crossing your arms across your body and grasping the opposite handles that you would for a cable fly. You then pull your arms apart and back into a crossed position.
This exercise is great for your posterior or rear deltoid muscles. You should start with 3 sets of 10 and gradually build up.

Rowing Machine Exercise for Gynecomastia
Using a rowing machine is a great full-body workout that specifically targets the arms, chests and back. While building chest muscle, it will also burn fat – making it great for hiding gynecomastia.
Be sure to keep a straight back while on the rowing machine, and don’t overdo it – start with 3 sets of 8-10 reps and build up from there.
Swimming is a very efficient all-over workout because the resistance of the water means that every single muscle in your body is working. Though it doesn’t directly promote the build-up of muscles in your chest, it does help with weight loss and general muscle tone.
Breast stroke is a great swimming style for working your chest, however, and is relatively easy to maintain. Try to swim for at least half an hour at a time to get the best results from the exercise.

Yoga for Gynecomastia
Yoga doesn’t just promote weight loss – it’s also very good for mental wellbeing, something which can take a hit when diagnosed with gynecomastia.
Overall, yoga is beneficial for those suffering with gynecomastia. Some poses are of particular benefit – the wheel and semi-wheel poses, for instance, reduce fat in the torso. The arm stretch pose is also great, as this directly targets chest fat.

Gynecomastia Exercises Recap
Though exercise cannot completely eliminate a case of gynecomastia, it can nevertheless help to mitigate what is, for many, the worst aspect of it – its unsightliness.
It can also bolster physical and mental health beyond the mere act of hiding ‘man boobs’, and both of these have untold benefits in of themselves.